It's Summer and the fun has begun!
I am off of work and school 2 days a week making for a
very nice and much looked forward to 4.day.weekend.
Tis' the season for;
Popsicles on the grass,
New & stylish headbands from Grandma,
saying, "see ya later ma, I am off to Macy's"...Um NO, you are not and give me back my bankcard and get in your car seat ...please :)
driving a red-hot mustang at the carnival,
enjoying a rapidly melting strawberry ice-cream cone,
experiencing the sand between our toes & finding seashells on thefoggy northern California shore,
french braids and Elmo,
and watching the
birds sing while having
lunch together on a picnic bench
in a little wine country town.
Times to treasure...
Yay, Summer.
Oh my goodness, these pictures are so sweet! She is such a little doll!!